IRIS Bushchat is an XBRL validation processor, which can be plugged into any software product to test the correctness, validity of their XBRL and iXBRL instance document. The validation engine plays a vital role in perfecting the quality of financial reporting information in XBRL.
It is designed to be fully compliant with XBRL specification and can be seamlessly integrated with existing application in a variety of ways including web services or APIs.
Key features of IRIS’ Bushchat include validation of XBRL instance, validation of XBRL taxonomies and supports assertion based iXBRL / XBRL validation rules. The tool has the ability to be used in conjunction of other tools to validate data.
Data Type
Text, numerical, GIS Coordinates, date/time, logical (1/0) as well as custom defined data types (for e.g., first three letter text, followed by 10-digit numeric values followed by 2-digit text)
Mandatory items
Checks to ensure that mandatory items are present in the filings
Any kind of mathematical formulae i.e summation, multiplication, division on any of the data/group of data items present in the filing.
Checks that a user's entry is between specified lower and upper boundaries.
Third Party
Check third party database for values and compare with what's reported in the document submitted.
Severity Level
Categorise issues into “warnings” and “errors”. Filings with warnings can be accepted and Filings with errors would need correction before filing.