XBRL or eXtensible Business Reporting Language has become a preferred data standard for digital business reporting, converting conventional financial records into a machine-readable, structured data format. This will help regulators store financial statements in digital format which can tag numbers, tables, accounting policies, and notes, making all transactions transparent.
While IRIS has robust platforms to help filers and regulators track information with easy-to-comprehend dashboards, IRIS also have extensive experience in designing, building, and delivering custom training and awareness programs. These programs have been curated, keeping in mind the interest and requirements of a wide range of Users and Practitioners. With these programs, IRIS has created a positive impact in over 30 countries and have trained over 10k users of XBRL.
Although basic awareness programs are offered as part of iFILE implementations, users can also opt for specially curated training for regulators, filers, and train the trainers programs, at attractive prices for both individual learners or an institution, professional bodies, and enterprises.
These are custom XBRL awareness programs directed at individuals who are interested in gaining working knowledge of XBRL, and also for those who are looking forward to implement XBRL within their reporting environment. These programs can benefit;
These are custom XBRL programs for SMEs working directly in the XRBL environment and need to understand the nuances of the craft. These programs can benefit:
This program is for those who are part of the IRIS iFILE implementations
This program aims to develop talent through programs for universities and professional educational institutions.